Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shake and Repeat!

5.    Prototype — build fast. test and improve it together.
 (Shake and repeat.)
Wednesday, April 13 – Always in development
• pick 3 ch we have not read yet in any book, according to your interests
• project workshop 

Now we enter into the prototype stage of our class: where a version of what you have been thinking about is tried out, where some trial and error allows us to see more about what does and doesn't, might or might not work, and where the resources offered to you at the conference might be used.

So think about this next stage, about what folks offered as help to your group, about what you noticed about other grps stuff that you might help with, how to put your vision into some action now in order to see what could happen right away and so on.

And we also now want to consider what this term "scholarship and practice" means (click the link presented and go to p. 18). The university is very big on it now, this class is itself a prototype of doing this, I need your input into what that phrase could/should/might mean. How is the class itself a prototype and how can I and you get feedback and from where about how to make it work out? What should the next version of the class look like?

Please read my talk for my Sweden trip and consider what role it does or could play in all this? What does it reveal about intentions and possibilities here?

How do we all frame what we need and want to know in order to see how to work with our prototypes?


Wednesday, April 27 – What happens next?

=> • demo your prototype

A final exercise: here.  

Prototyping the class.


Donna Haraway
 & vid if you have silverlight

Worlding Project!  

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