Sunday, April 3, 2011

people, people and more people!

    4.    People — who are you trying to reach? how can they help right now? 

Wednesday, April 6 – Creativity, people, things and relationships
• look again at Zandt 2010, Boler 2008: ch 17, 11, 15
• projects and conference workshop: how do we include the workshop and conference into the process we are learning? how can any people who attend be invited into the process? in what ways are they part of the people to reach? in what ways are they some of the people to help? how can we share with them the strategies, stories, tools, other people and prototype? Explain that this is a PROCESS, that they are part of it, and where you all are in that process! 

• we are creating a workshop for the conference! Be there! Art/Soc 3203. Be there at 8:30 AM to set up for 9:30 event.

=> • people analysis in written form with contact log
Some students will be developing a project with an NGO or activist group in mind. Others will be thinking about audiences for projects. In these and other cases analysis of who is involved in what you are doing and what it is supposed to make happen are essential. You will write this up and may include a contact log of people involved. 

Megan Boler with Stephen Turpin: "The Daily Show and Crossfire: Satire and Sincerity as Truth to Power":


Boler 385: "New counterpublics" and "ironic citizenship." 386: "Coping with Complicity in Spectacular Society"

390: referring to Deleuze 1967: "the location of a problematic. The empty square is the very possibility of forming a problem that intersects a variety of different planes or registers (government, the family, race, gender, class, etc.)--without falling victim to an apathetic passivity nor filling in the square of meaning with any final determinant (the desire to fix cause and thus determine course of action too simply)." 

And more about the addiction paradigm, panics, research, digital natives, and more:


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